Monday, August 25, 2008

field trip to the firehouse

This past weekend we took a field trip to the local firehouse with susannah's friend sammy and his family. the kids had a blast looking at the trucks and all the equipment. I love this first picture - susannah was having some teething issues and we couldn't get her to take her fingers out of her mouth for the picture. sammy, being the fine gentleman that he is, put his hand in his mouth too to take some of the pressure off.

susannah loves holding sammy's hand. this is a sweet picture of the two of them.

playing at the park afterwards . . .

a cookout/picnic in our backyard to top off a great day.


Charlie said...

That first picture is wonderful.

Unknown said...

We've had a great time playing with you all on random Saturdays. The pictures are great! Sammy had me draw a house on the sidewalk this week and then draw Sammy and Susannah next to it. I know it's because they played in the little house at the park, but still...
He loves Susannah! :)